Robert Ostrochovsky

By youoregon1

Derelict Pumpkin

This is not an entry for Derelict Sunday.
Just a pumpkin that someone unloaded in the woods across the street. It has been slowly melting into the leaves and does not bother me as much as when some bozo decided to throw it there.
(By the way, the tag for Derelict Sunday will be DS10)

Here are some mixed updates from myself.
I turned my comments back on but I will be participating less. I regret that I do not have the time to do justice to this wonderful daily project, much less interact. This has been a very significant year in my photo history and Blipfoto is a most special social format. We are all fortunate to be here.

I will continue to coordinate the Abstract Thursday gig but with little feedback. I like less rules and more creativity so going Abstract will be here as long as the participation continues. I look forward to the new Blipfoto as well, and have no negative feelings about the future!

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