From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS

My Da

This is my dad. He is from Hamilton and he became my dad when I was seven.

I know that I will sound like a Daddy's girl (which I am - and I am nodding at 40) but he really is a wonderful dad.

When I was growing up, he was kind and loving - but could be strict when he needed to be. I shall never, ever forget the one time he gave me the belt; we were banned from the field near the house and my brother went in - and I followed to get him back. I was the one that got caught though!

He instilled some of the most basic and fundamental rules that I live by - I never go into other peoples pockets or bags (which raises many eyebrows) and respect other peoples privacy. I do not steal, I do not lie and I do not cheat, all things that my Dad had a hand in teaching me. I am also a competent carpet layer, window fitter, painter and decorator, electrician and videogame player - again, through his influence. Oh, and we share the same taste in music, film and reading matter!!!

His taste in men is AWFUL though!! I sought his approval for both of the husbands I have had - and discussed whether to marry them. Both of them turned out to be...well, less than successful!!!

I love you Dad.

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