The day after the day after Boxing Day

Today I slept until 8am which was absolutely glorious. Didn't get out of bed for another hour. Pure luxury. 

It's still the Christmas holidays so I went crazy with a splash of double cream in my porridge. Can you imagine such indulgence? I then set my (very competitive) mind to beating my 10km PB which has been standing since mine and Sprout's Western Park glory days (circa 2008 - check that out hair!). I did it! It was reasonably hard work, but I did it!

Then Claire and Esme came round for a catch up and Esme wowed us with her hilarious, non-stop, please-take-a-breath raspberries. What a girl.

More lounging is now in order and then the inevitable turkey curry. Aren't the Christmas holidays just delightful?

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