Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

MonoMonday: Room 101

I had to go back to Skeena's explanation to understand the significance of Room 101:  "The phrase ROOM 101 was first coined in the book 1984 by George Orwell. It was a torture chamber where the Ministry of Love extracted information. It contained the worst things that anyone could fear. Orwell gave it that number after the room at the BBC where he endured hours of meetings.
 More lately it has become better known in the UK as a game show where you are allowed to pick the one thing you hate and can have locked up for good in ROOM 101. This is your chance to do the same."

So, with that in mind, my first thought was Donald Trump, but it had already been done.  (Hope he stays locked in there!)  My second choice was illness and disease.  I represented that with all our recently refilled medicine bottles, because without illness we won't need them!  Then a little play in PS Elements to try to make it more interesting. ;-)

Thanks to Skeena for this interesting challenge and for hosting this week!

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