Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie


Four hours sleep last night due to this bundle of fun.

He is climbing on the sofa but his getting off the sofa involves just literally diving head first off it.

He is saying loads of words and said an abbreviation of his brothers name this morning. So sweet.

He walked the length of a room on Tuesday. This would have been wonderful had it not been because I was leaving him at the childminders. The last two weeks this has involved him happily ignoring my departure. This week he was a bit wiser and literally ran after me. Children.

Razzle Dazzle was amazing again tonight.

I have uploaded a recording of Hard Knock Life. This has been learnt in a maximum of 40 minutes for each child some as little as twenty. I am blown away, literally blown away by the talent, enthusiasm and sheer brilliance of the children. I cannot wait to tweak it and make it even better.

Razzle Dazzle


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