Preparing for an extraction!!

A trip to Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge today in preparation of the removal of Herbert next week. He hasn't been much of a problem since last December, but those who know better than me say it should be removed!!

They have checked me out! I'm fit for surgery and have been given my instructions!! Have to behave myself and take things easy afterwards. Little do they know it I have already prepared my list of things that can be done without too much exertion. Including blipping at a sensible time of day!!

I should be done as a day case, so home to my own comfortable bed at night, not in a hospital bed surrounded by the snoring, farting, moaning occupants of other beds.

As I wandered from one end of the hospital to the other, for a second appointment, I found a whole gallery of paintings and murals. Getting blips was not easy as it is a busy thoroughfare, so the mosaic round the corner by the lifts was less of a challenge.

Over to Birmingham tomorrow for R's graduation on Friday!!

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