Tantalizing turkeys

We had the first wet slushly storm of the season last night and it's messy this this morning. I could hear the gobbling from a 'rafter' of turkeys(sounds cooler than a 'flock') out on the back patio when I came downstairs this morning. I opened the door, they made a move to leave in a big jumble of gobbles, but they also remembered that we put out seeds and peanuts. They waited in the wings and came right to the doorstep for what I tossed out. By this time, Raspberry was fully into the act watching their every move with big cat dreams !

T has the week off, but had to go in today, the nasty weather day. She feels much better. I feel better as well, but it's so very slow. My cough is improving, but I still feel really tired. Another day on the cozy sofa with the glow of the tree and another easy and engaging Louise Penny mystery. Binge reading to keep me occupied, it really helped with the prednisone jitters. I'm chuckling that the curse words in the novels are the  same religious ones taken in vain, learned in my first teaching job years in Van Buren Maine on the Canadian border. Far Northern Aroostcook  County in French speaking Maine with a strong Acadian heritage and beautiful rolling potato fields.

For the Record,
This day came in with a coating of slushy snow.

All hands improving, some awfully slowly.

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