
What a shite day! Flipping Frank has  now arrived and it's torrential rain, gales and sodden grey. Son#1 has decided to head for Cork to do a spot of climbing before cabin fever gets him but I just hope the roads aren't flooded. Son#2 has checked in and they arrived home safely after a long journey, arriving back in Bristol at 4am only to find someone in their bed!!! They collapsed on the sofa, awoke, had a quick swim then were off to the next Christmas celebrations! Son#2 might be off for a 10 day silent retreat to find his inner zen and then they're off to New Zealand. They went to the South Island this time last year and this time they're doing the North Island. Their Christmas pressie was a voucher for the Polynesian Spa at Roturua. I consulted with blipper MegL who assured me that was a good choice. It looks amazing and I'm very jealous.

I had to nip into Bantry again this morning, this time for a doctor's appointment as I've had a sore ear for the last few week and have been trying to ignore but I can't hear anything. She took one (very gentle) look and declared it horrible!! I won't go into details but I'm now on drops with some emergency antibiotics should they be necessary.

Other than that we've been eating cake and watching films. On Sunday we watched Meru about some seriously hardcore climbers to attempted to tackle Meru in the Himalayas which is just about vertical. We were left gasping really at what people put themselves through. Last night  it was Macbeth with Michael Fassbender - very bloody, very Scottish and amazing to look at , all brooding Glencoe and Skye. Quite a few liberties had been taken, some working better than others but no hubble, bubble, toil and trouble!

Today's blip - it's tinyish and I'll risk it. A door knocker in the shape of the Claddagh ring - two hands clasping a heart, with a jaunty crown on top.

 Very popular over here and now traditionally made in Galway, Claddagh rings are given to someone you care about and are popular as wedding or engagement rings. The way in which you wear it reveals your relationship status apparently:
On the right hand with the point of the heart toward the fingertips, you are single and may be looking for love.
On the right hand with the point of the heart toward the wrist, you are in a relationship.
On the left hand with the point of the heart toward the fingertips, you are engaged.
On the left hand with the point of the heart toward the wrist, you are married
Very romantic whatever, and they make a good door knocker!

And don't forget to pledge   away!

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