We thought . . .

. . .  we had spied a couple of hours of fine, bright weather. So we set out to Fellside - the best of all places. A place we have been going to for many years. Gordon knew Fellside as a boy when his uncle used to take him walking. Later we took our own children when we stayed at Caldbeck in school holidays. Both our dogs walked along this path many times. Now we don't come along here often enough, even though it isn't far away.

It was lovely to be walking along the valley again, but it was not fine . . . or bright. Mist hung over the hills and moved along the valley. It was wet and windy and cold. We certainly didn't get as far as we usually do, before turning back.
Lunch in Caldbeck and I had a look round the wonderful Wool Clip. I even bought a kit for knitting socks - ready for when I've finished the long list of doll's clothes!  

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