
....on to Christmas.

You know that time between Christmas and New Year, yeah that.

Having a laid back approach to everything for a few days on the basis "Cody" will jump in and save me if need be.

I have not been totally lazy today as I've been round my mom and dads to fix papa's computer which decided to blow up yesterday with smoke pouring out of it. Luckily it was the little used DVD drive that decided to go pop (I was convinced it would be the powerpack). I just disconnected and removed it and by passed the power supply and cleaned the internals, but hopefully this is a warning to backup and replace the severn year old steam powered box ;)

I finally watched the Martian starring Matt Damon, what a great film. I little far fetched at times but truly entertaining and so well made. It keeps you concentrating right to the end. 8/10.

Mr Bo Hingles

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