Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A grand day out

London in the sunshine. Rouple Street looked really lovely as many of the doors on the old Victorian terraced houses had beautifully designed wreaths on them.

As for the rest:

Decent lunch in The Real Greek on Bankside - we sent two dishes back that weren't cooked properly but that was fine as we had over ordered anyway.

Had a great time at the Museum of London - went to the crime exhibition based on the artefacts in the ownership of the Metropolitan Police. Makes you realise how ridiculous and ill conceived most crime is. The Krays and the Richardsons were nasty; but as The Godfather said, the worst crimes are committed by men with briefcases (or in today's parlance, corporations who have a digital grip on the world's fortunes). 

Domestic day tomorrow as its gonna rain, rain, rain ...

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