Spur of the moment

As Ladypride knows, sometimes when you look forward to things, they don't go as you expect, want.
So, today, over breakfast, we decided to go to Weston, this was at 8:30. By 9:30 we were all dressed ready to go and bags packed - warm clothes, waterproofs, buckets and spades, towels, food, kitcehn sink!

By 11:00 we were playing on the beach, it was busy, but quiet, went for a play on the pier, then lunch. More walks on the beach and then home.

Both children spelt coming back which may have been the main reason for them both being utter tinkers at bedtime!

Lovely day :)

Wom looking like one of Father Christmas' elves
Munchie, Wom and Daddy on the land train
Munchie climbing on the sea wall
Trying to do a family shadow selfie

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