
My Twitter bio used to include the sentence "Former rock 'n' roll animal, surprisingly", which contained more than an element of truth. 

For starters, there were elements of pride and mild embarrassment in there, too. In fact, it was a potent, fizzing cocktail both shaken and stirred by the follies of youth, acts of heroic daftness, consequent apologies mumbled or never made, public successes and pratfalls, grand gestures, guilt and glory, profligacy and penury, and, running throughout, an indisputably hedonistic approach to life. 

And I suffixed the statement with "surprisingly" because I'm not sure those characteristics are so evident, today, even though I know they're still in there somewhere because now and again they'll surface con brio, particularly around this time of year. Thus, this morning, at 11:38, when this photo was taken, you'd have found me in the kitchen, making bacon sandwiches and unconcernedly sipping on a San Miguel. 

Tomorrow, I may start worrying about getting the beast back in the box. Or perhaps the day after.

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