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Tired, after a disrupted night. Maybe I was too tired to sleep.
Busy day. I came out the same as 15 months ago. Is that a good thing? 20 years ago I was INTJ. And I seen to be a bit undecided about J and P. It's a maturity thing, the change in the dynamics. The follow up is 2 more visits to London before 14 August.
The sun was out when we left Bishopsgate and I went 'up west'. The tourists were out in Trafalgar Square with the Olympic count down clock being a popular back drop for photos. Being alone I can only take them, not be in then.
I ate in Covent Garden, while it drizzled. A not very good, expensive steak in Tuttons. I should have gone round the corner.
This area has many ghosts and I tried to lay some to rest - Embankment station stairs, pansy flowet stall, still selling gerberas, the Adelphi, John Adam St, the Savoy (despite the slippers I'd never walked up to the entrance before), that church and of course the roof of Covent Garden - champagne.
Alongside theteam building language today there was menrion of signifocant others etc. I used to know both types. Can't remember now and too late to do anything different.
I see from blip mates that it rained in Edinburgh today, and then some. Glad I missed it!
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