Sparrows on Matagouri

We went for a walk around most of Lake McGregor today. Unfortunately our mission to walk the whole thing was stymied by a steep hill covered in snow with only snowy sheep tracks across it. Because much of the lake was frozen we didn't want to risk slipping in.

It is a really deep lake that fills from the run off of Lake Alexandrina (yesterday's blip), McGregor then runs off into Lake Tekapo. It was darned cold but a beautiful walk with no one else about. There were ducks, swans, pukeko,shags, pippits and dunnocks about but I didn't see the pair of grebes again.

After we got back to the car (after our 4.5km walk) we went back up to Mt John Observatory. We were going to have a picnic then follow it up with coffee and cake in the cafe but in the end there were no handy sitting places where we could make up our sandwiches, so we ate at the cafe.

As we were leaving, this pair of sparrows was chatting in the matagouri when along came baby and interrupted them. That is two arms of lake Tekapo in the background.

NB: I see I blipped a sparrow a year ago - decidedly different compositions though.

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