Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Golden Shot

This has been a struggle, but we've got there in the end, shame about the lack of thumbnail though. I have been taking lots of photos over the last few days but for lack of photography skills they have all turned out to be a disappointment. The weather has been glorious and we have been working outside getting tanned arms. Colours have finally turned Autumnal and I wanted to share this palette with you. Yesterday the weather began to turn and this little golden tree began to glow in its surroundings in just the same way that ripe tomatoes do at dusk. Yesterdays shots were a disappointment but today's weather has been so grey and chilly that we have stayed indoors experimenting with technology.
The only way get the picture from the camera has been to use the laptop which has a card reader that fits the camera card. But the laptop screen is not up to the job of comparing pictures for quality and so they must be copied onto a flash drive and put into the PC for viewing on the big screen. (At this point there are several trips outside to retake the photo so thank goodnes it's the view from the house!) Once an acceptable photo has been selected it is then emailed so we can download it onto the smartphone. And from there it can be uploaded to Blip.
In my youth there used to be a TV gameshow called 'The Golden Shot' that involved a blindfolded archer with a crossbow working together with a contestant who would call out 'Up a bit, Left a bit, Fire!'
That is precisely how today has felt, but at least we are now operational in time for Friday. I am hugely indebted to Spouseman for his help and patience in this piece of teamwork.

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