Sieze the day

By Mario

Our Bathroom

Rainie sumed up the weather today. Today was cold and wet all day and I was out there fixing broken drains,the drilling crew drilling the UFB cable duct, drilled right through 2 drains in the same block not a pleasant day and seems they want me to do twice as much work in half the time. This is a pic of the tap ware we instlled in our new bathroom. Marie designed all the alterations,our house has double brick internal walls and to fit a bath( we put a shower over the bath) in our 7ft x 8ft Bathroom required the wall to be knocked out so we could gain 250mm. I plumbed the pipe work up through the wall by cutting a chase in the plaster work. Our bathroom was a nightmare and Marie was in tears we ordered American White Oak Joinery with a Cherry Stain ordered in November of 2009 and arrived a week before we started,Feb 2010, when it arrived it looked like factory seconds,however GW the manufacturer, supplied us with a complete new package. Vanity, Medicine Cabnet and Toilet Cistern,the new items had to be made and 3 months later it was all installed and it was better than the first lot, the trademanship was of a very high standard. Marie striped 5 coats of paint off our bathroom door and stained and uritheined the door and did a beautiful job. I think the photo's are on my facebook page. The tapware is New Zealand and the china ware is Italian. Our house is from the 20's era and we have stayed within the charcter of that time. Crosbie,Stills and Nash sing a song about our house. I refer to our house but I'm wrong with that because it's our Home and thats a big difference. Marie did the same with the window and what a fantastic job Marie did and so much patients Marie had her little note book out and recorded what coat went on when so she knew when the next coat was to be applied. It took marie 5 days to strip stain and urithein the door to her satisfaction. I am trying my light painting with a very small eye torch to see the difference and even still I am getting a lot of light but much easier to work with,Many thanks to R for his lesson on Monday night.

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