Baked Goodies Booth

In Breda ... where else would I be?

The morning was a delayed offshoot of the night before and ended up worse than the night, in a way.  The proverbial wrong side of the bed was both sides of the bed.  When you have had the whole night to sharpen your knife, it cuts five ways and more, but it hurts you just as much when you wield it.   No slammed doors, though, nothing like that.   At one point, hubby put on his shoes and went to the physiotherapist on foot.  His work-out, mentally as well.  I got dressed and attacked the kitchen counter and water-cooker.  My work-out.  By the time he got back, things had almost returned to normal.  I said I had to go to Breda to pick up that second wok cover and did he need anything at the supermarket?  I ended up buying loads of goodies for New Year's Eve, but not from this booth, though.  When I got back, he was busy with his online bridge and working on his own bridge handbook.  He showed me the latest competition results and we had a good laugh.  Later on, we returned to last night's argument and guess what?  It was settled in about 5 sentences.

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