Drying out...

What a difference a blink of sunshine makes.

The preparations in Peebles for Storm Frank were pretty thorough, and as a result the disruption was minimal.    A number of households were evacuated to the Burgh Hall, the water rose spectacularly and fell away just as spectacularly.   People will be facing messy and expensive clean ups, and let's hope they get all the support and help they may need.  A Yellow Warning for Snow has just popped up!   

Many of you would see the flooding in the Whitesands in Dumfries.   This has been a problem from time immemorial.    My great-grandfather lived in a tenement flat at the foot of Friars' Vennel.    On the day of his funeral in 1927, he had to be lowered in his coffin out the window into a rowing boat, and transported up the Vennel as far as Irish Street - where the hearse was waiting on dry ground.     Pretty stylish I think.

Still under the hammer of the Common Cold virus.   Very exhausting.   

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