Happy Hogmanay. Last blip 2015

It's a beautiful day here. I was woken up by the bin men at 7.20. In a mad panic I dashed outside to put the bin out. It was so windy last night I didn't want to put it out incase it was blown over - its so full I doubt that would have happened. My neighbour was out too, in his pjs putting his bin out and checking that he hadn't missed them. It was quite surreal. I saw him later in the morning and it felt like it was during the night when we had last seen each other.

A quick blast to the shops and then a catch up with my other neighbour. Then boots on and off for a 3.5 mile walk with Indie. It was glorious. I took lots of pictures of catkins but liked this one with the sun on the bark and the intense blue sky.

Today is a day that I spend sometime reminiscing. I always feel sad as its the end of another year and heading into the unknown (really that is the same as any other day!) Whilst I was out I thought about Hogmanay when I was a child. It was always a very big thing - being Scottish our family celebrated in style, making a big thing of it. Christmas was for the children, and New Year was for the adults with the kids in tow.  I look back with rosie spex  I am sure. 

We have very low key celebrations. The one thing I always do is phone my mum, sister and L as soon as I can after midnight. We have always done this and I am trying to continue this with my own boys. It doesn't matter where they are just a quick happy new year and a virtual hug.

One thing I love about Blip - yes I will say this again tomorrow is the documentary evidence of my life in pictures.  So looking back there's lots of cycling related blips, including our fantastic holiday in Czech Republic. It's been great getting the tandem back on the road. Other cycling events included our trip to Wales and the re forming of York Rally. 

Craft wise it's been a good year  achieving a 3rd in a local competition and our school quilt winning 2nd at the Festival of Quilts. Not forgetting a 2nd in quilters choice in my quilt groups block of the month. Oh and the coveted WI prize at the village show!  I am about to start a new venture of teaching P&Q so that will be scary but exciting. I have had 2 fantastic holidays with my quilting friends, I am lucky I can get away and forget about everything and sew and drink and laugh, along with morning walks on the beach.

I suppose the biggest change this year was the arrival of Indie. I still miss Tallulah  a lot, but he certainly has brought life and laughter to our home. He is a big furry pest at times but we all love him so much (even if he did chew my laptop power cable last night!). It's great seeing both boys playing with him. I think Mr PB even likes him alot!

So what will next year hold? Who knows, but as long as I have those around me that I love dearly, and we are all safe, healthy and happy that is all that matters.

New Years Resolutions? emmmm I make them and never keep them. But I suppose I have a few craft orientated ones - do more! All I want is to care and be nice to those around me and to have fun.

Happy New Year Blippers XXXXXXXX

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