Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman


Finally, I found a snake, I spotted it about fifteen feet ahead of me, but the reptile had already spotted me. I only managed to fire off three shots before she slithered away. I really wanted to get closer, down and dirty for some impressive shots, but this is all I got. I had to do some major cropping to make a blip of it. By no means my best shot of the day, so I am putting the rest in folio, the last image in folio is a spider shot, be warned!

It was a good session with a fair selection of subjects, all razor sharp too. Last night, I did a bunch of aperture test shots to determine the image quality at each aperture. The results confirmed my theories of yesterday, that the smaller apertures were problematic. In fact, the quality varied throughout the range, with F8 to F13 being the best quality. So today and from now on, I will be limiting my aperture selection to these numbers.

For those interested in viewing my results, I have uploaded two files onto mediafire folder containing:

A word text document, explaining procedure and results.

A JPG composite image of the test shots.

Feedback is welcome if you have anything to say on this or any other subject for that matter: folicallychalled@aol.co.uk


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