Portugal Day 2


Yaaaassss! I'm just about fluent now. I think I may have thrown in some French just to keep em on their toes, but my hand actions are to die for.

I am like a run to seed Ronaldo in my summer get up and man truss.

We are all more awake and able to stop seeing Jim Morrison.

I did spot Jesus at the pool, but realised that was my best pal, Brother and fellow Blipper Beefylorelei.

We are overrun with Blipfiends.

Sonny and Us and Daisyglaisy too. Check out their take on Portugal.

Here is the hotel. We haggled and got better rooms. The place has had a legal punch up that I will tell you more of later, but the main man Louish, is the bomb.

Off to play lie lo tennis. CAN you remove a towel? Can you blame the wind? Should I move it and claim poor eyesight and pretend the whole holiday...?

More soon


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