Happy New Year! Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!

... and in Tagalog, Masaganang Bagong Taon!

BLIP has given me the chance to photoblog my life.  It's not the photographs, although I have improved my skills these past three years, something I'm really happy about.  It's not the fact that photography has become a more serious hobby, as I have other equally serious hobbies, so that blipping isn't the only thing I do when I've nothing else to do.  It's also not the fact that I have gained more friends here in the 'short time' I've been here, especially as I'm more of an introvert than you think, although I appreciate deeply the many unexpected connections I've made since I began.

If you must know, it's because I've always tried to put down my 'story' somewhere, in case my real mother 'finds' me.  Fat chance she will, but, as I've said in my profile since the start, 'should she look, there'll be a lot to see'.  So there, you now know why I'm here and why I'd appreciate it loads if this site continued.  Somehow, blogging here is almost like talking to her, and when you comment, it's somehow almost like she's responding.  Now don't you all get emotional, no need for that.  I'm simply satisfied that I've been fulfilling my end of the 'conversation', if you get my drift.

And now for the blog ... don't know yet what I'll be doing the rest of today but, most probably, some feet-on-the-ground housekeeping, some hobbying, but I also want to prepare for the art journal projects I've decided to start with, as a challenge.  Plus the usual odds-and-ends putting away of stuff.  There's always stuff lying around that's too lazy to sort itself out, but all will be done in an unhurried manner.  I hope you've all had a blast and conked out afterwards and have tables of food for the rest of the day.  Enjoy!

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