I never...

....thought I would see the day when my girly, pretty, gentle, timid girl was in fact bouncing on a bed playing Star Wars with a handful of lightsabres. But she had a glorious time doing so!! It was "say goodbye" day today. Another amazing visit from the Godchildren, but she coped admirably waving to them as we left. 

We then drove immediately down to Surrey to spend a few days with my cousin. It took a fair while thanks to Storm Frank, but she was such a very good girl. After one comfort break, she got back in the car and said to the ipad "Hello ipad, you have to help me now so I can be a good girl for my mummy". And a good girl she was. 

She went nuts when we arrived about 8pm though. Absolutely hyper. Charged actual circles round the lounge/kitchen, troughed a big dinner then eventually collapsed after some music theory and a snuggly story with Tom! 

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