Happy New Year

Ah - usually we spend New Year's Eve with the large family.  We have a cool card game that we play and all kinds of other traditions.  

But this year we are not up for travel.  

I've enjoyed tonight - I've made guacamole (hence the shot above) and we've eaten fruit and chocolate fondue.  In a minute I am off to get the cards and chips ready for "garbage" - a game of chance that goes up and down the river. 

We have noise makers, and funny hats.  We have pop-crackers and streamers.  It might be a small gathering - but we will ring in the New Year!

(And as for resolutions - Mine is to be intentional about my own self-care.  I've had a few stressful months and past experience has taught me that there is danger ahead when the fearsome moment has passed.   To combat the depressive slump, I am going to care for myself in ways that lift me up - I'll exercise and eat right - I'll seek out the sun - I'll take time to hug the people that I love - and I'll look for beauty everyday.)

Wishing you all Peace for 2016. 

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