Holding the Banner

Blipfoto has been my welcome bedfellow for 6 years 7 months. During that time. I posted a photograph every day without fail.
Along the way I have learned to look at the world with photographic eyes, noticing things I might have missed before.

My camera is an extension of my right arm. At the beginning, I bought a DSLR thinking to improve the quality of my images, but over the six years, my cameras have become smaller and more handbag friendly, until nowadays I more often than not take a photo with my phone.

Also along the way, I realised I was never going to have the patience to learn and be expert enough to take amazing photos, but actually I found that that didn't matter because my images became part of a pictorial diary reflecting my life. That's not to say that from time to time I didn't strive to capture a wonderful image, but fitting in the taking of a photo every day with general life is not conducive to consistently getting one of particular merit.

I have also discovered along the way that writing the accompanying blog was something I enjoyed even more than the photography. Blipfoto is an ideal site for a journalistic approach to one's daily life, and even though my children appear not to be at all interested in reading any of my entries, I have high hopes that my future descendants will want to know about life in the 21st century and turn the pages of my Blipfoto books, (which I'm hoping will return again some day in the future).

Of course a continuing Blipfoto will only happen if we blippers save the site by pledging enough money. If in 10 days, the current owners decide we are not committed enough, then the whole shebang goes down the tubes and all our blips and virtual friends will be lost forever. There will be a big blank screen and no way of finding any back blips we want. They will be out there floating in the ether.

And so I am urging every one interested in keeping Blipfoto afloat to forget previous hard feelings about lost life memberships and books. We are trying to form a new Blipfoto run by us and keeping alive all that was so special in the heyday of the old Blipfoto.

We remember the friends we have made, the daily insight into other people's lives, the emotional connection with folk we only know on the Internet, the images of other lives and places, and not forgetting the wonderful shop where we could buy beautiful books and calendars. We can strive to recreate all of this if only we reach out to enough people and persuade them to pledge what they can to the crowd funding site at
It's our shout now, so, GET READY.......PLEDGE!

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