Thank you Blip

Why is blip special to me?  

I started blipping the day I bought my first dslr.  Blip has taught me more about photography in the past five plus years than anything else.  Other people’s blips have introduced me to so many different ways to ‘see’ an image, and given me the opportunity to play with so many different ideas.

The mere fact that blip encourages me to actually USE the camera every day has made such a difference.  Otherwise I am certain that six months into ownership I would have relegated the camera to the back of a cupboard and only pulled it out for ‘events’.

There is much to thank Blip for, but for me the main thing is how the focus of creating an image each day, plus the support of the blip community, have helped me survive the two years since my son was killed.  Without this support coping would have been just so much harder.

I hope blip survives, and I’ve done my bit to contribute towards the site’s survival, but whether it does or not I will always be thankful for what the site and you as a community have given me.  I wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous 2016.

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