A New Beginning

A Happy, prosperous and blessed New Year to all my blipfoto friends across the world.
May this be a year of good things, looking to the future let's pray that the blipfuture team succeed in the saving of blipfoto,
It's such a marvellous community and it would be a shame if it closed its doors for good, but it's up to us to make sure it doesn't close by going to the page and pledging our support and donating what we can.https://www.blipfuture.com/
It would be a real shame if it stopped functioning but it's up to us to support the Blipfuture team. I think they're doing a great job by keeping us informed of what is happening and keeping us up to date of where we are in raising the capital they need to start the proceedings to taking control of blipfoto

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