Happy New Year!

A great Hogmanay in Porty. L's friend H came down to the flat and we went out for a drink in the Skylark, where we met up with Mah Jong K and her friend, also K, up from London. We went down to the beach for the 'bells' and joined the throng around one of the bonfires where we met more friends, including artist J, film-maker R and actor S as well as our newish neighbours from the flat next door. After fireworks to mark the new year there was a bit of singing - from Jeannie McColl to Five Hundred Miles, with young and old joining in. A lovely friendly atmosphere. L was persuaded to pick up the guitar and she did a couple of Joni Mitchell numbers - Big Yellow Taxi and Carey - before we headed back to the Skylark for some stovies and a bit of dancing to, among other things, Madness(!) And then just a short walk back home to the flat. No awkward journey across town. A perfect Hogmanay! 

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