Race to save blip

What does blip mean to me?

I started blipping on 3 September 2011 I had started a 365 photo challenge with a few bloggers and one joined up here I followed, they no longer blip but I carried on. I then introduced my uncle who shortly after gifted me my first membership and well I became hooked.

I never did properly complete that first 365 challenge but I am happy to say that there was a complete year and since, while I do blip most days there are the occasional missing day due to my ongoing battles with being disabled through chronic illness.

In the last 4 and a bit years blip has become a large part of my life, at first I thought that I wasn’t good enough to be here, I mean I am no amazing photographer I just happen to get lucky sometimes and then I realised that actually while the photos are important it became about the words that went with them, the support, the encouragement, the glimpse into other people’s lives and for me a release, a record and the most successful I have ever been at keeping a journal. The journey a passage of time, and yes every so often I do look back, especially on dark days and think wow look at how far I have come.

Looked at on the surface blip is a snap shot of a single day, lots of people’s single day and that is very interesting. It connects people in a way that facebook, twitter and instagram can never achieve, it draws you in and you learn. On a more personal level every snap shot builds into a journey and well I have certainly had some journey.

When I started blip I was recovering from my back having gone into a severe spasm and move to our new home, it was meant to be a new beginning a moving forwards, a rebuilding I was still suffering from bereavement  depression but I was getting there, work had let me transfer offices, but then it all went wrong as once again my back was in spasm and my employer became less patient and then I had a major breakdown, leading to a major crash of my chronic illness (ME).  My body on all fronts was shutting down. Blip has been on the journey of me regaining my mobility from hardly being able to walk to completing a half marathon. Blip has been there and helped me when I lost my job through ill health. Blip has been there when I was struggling to get a new job and the joy when I found an employer willing to give a disabled person a chance. Blip has been there when I have lost bunnies and dealing with pet illness. Blip has been there when I had yet another breakdown at the beginning of 2015, it’s seen me struggle with anxiety and illness and never once have I been made to feel like the failure that I thought I was.
I look at blip first thing in the morning, during my lunch break at work and in the evening. I lurk I sprinkle stars and hearts and sometimes I comment when I have the energy. Blip inspires me and has helped me to keep my eyes open; I fear that without it I would slowly start to close them again.

So please help to save this incredible space, pledge if you can (minimum pledge is £10 and believe me I do understand that for some even that is out of their reach. No money is taken now, I will be selling things to make up the money that I am about to pledge, if the target is not reached then you don’t lose any money but we may/will lose this) https://www.blipfuture.com/invest

Check out blipcentral for more information and news https://www.blipfoto.com/BlipCentral

For the first time in a long while I am feeling hopeful, my urge to create is coming back and thanks to my lovely Dad I have a shiny new camera, a dSLR that I have been dreaming about for years.
Oh and blip is about bunnies.

#PledgeBlipfoto #blipforever #blipfuture


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