
By craftylady

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What does BLIP mean to me :-
 I am fairly new to photography, apart from the odd holiday snap, but am now an enthusiast.  I love looking at other blipper's journals and being allowed  a glimpse into their lives, it is a real privilege.  I feel I know some of them well enough to be considered their friend. It is a wonderful and supportive world wide community in the true sense of the word.
Blipfoto has also encouraged me to look at the world with new eyes.  I now look at everything with a view to a blip.  I now see beauty in the most mundane activities.  Even a boring trip to the supermarket becomes an adventure in photography.  I love the way a photograph brings out the subtleties of colour in nature to which I had been oblivious
If blipfoto has brought as much joy to your life as it has to mine, please support it in any way you can, it is too precious to lose.
I have failed in adding a link to the pledge site, but it can be found on other's blips.

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