
By Mindseye

Have you shelled out yet?

It's time to put our money where our journals are!!!!!!

Me and hub have had some great holidays and travelled to some wonderful places during our married life. I started collecting shells and some small pebbles during our travels, from both near (North Wales) and far (the Maldives) as a momento, which has culminated in a large selection that sit in an oyster coloured glass bowl on the windowsill in our bathroom. The idea for this blip came about when I was thinking about this challenge and the phrases that meant parting with money........put your hand in your pocket, cough up, pay up, shell out........Yes!!!!! and there it was :-)

Since joining Blip in April 2014 all our holidays, special times, have featured in my blips, as has our daily life. Blip is an integral part of my life now, my journal is a photographic diary, documenting the growing up of our five precious granddaughters, recording our daughter and two sons' achievements and moments in their adult lives; things I do with my sister and my mum, who is not getting any younger; all there in glorious colour, and black and white for prosperity! It's amazing to think I get all that for free.........I'd pay £1 a week for the privilege, wouldn't you?!

Like my shells, through Blip, I now have a wonderful collection of like minded friends,
from both near and far, some of whom have become good friends in real life. I started photography as a new hobby when I retired having no previous experience, other than a point and shoot camera. Blip has enabled me, through fellow blippers sharing their knowledge and images, learn so much, and just by making me use my camera every day, I've become proficient. I've a long way to go before I understand my cameras capabilities fully, but I am getting there.

If Blip doesn't survive, we will only have ourselves to blame, there are enough of us to Save Our Site! We all know it's a wonderful place, full of all our lives, and let's be honest, we've probably taken it for granted! Ask yourself this, "what else in your life, provides such instant memories, enjoyment, inspiration, friendship, knowledge, purpose, laughter, tears and is absolutely free?" If Blipfuture are to turn things around, we all need to pledge our support now or it will be too late, and like those grains of sand that fall out of my shells, it will all be washed away, please don't let that happen!

Wishing all you wonderful blippers a happy new year........please pledge, to make sure we will all be here, wishing each other a happy new year this time next year!

Time to shell out guys ;-)

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