The Primes

We decided (that is I decided) to play with the timer and take a family portrait for the New Year - unfortunately I could only get them all to sit still (ish) for a couple of attempts. I quite like this one, though. Then we resumed our split cinema going  - Tom and I to the new Star Wars whilst the girls went to 'Suffragette' - before reconvening for tea at Annie's Burger Shack. Later on Tom went out to celebrate New Year in proper young person style whilst the rest of us tried to find a movie we were all happy to sit through whilst we waited for it to be midnight...

Oh, and music-wise, here's my annual Top Twelve for 2015:

1.       Sufjan Stevens -  ‘Carrie and Lowell’
2.       Lightning In a Twilight Hour – ‘Fragments of a Former Moon’
3.       F. Ingers - ‘Hide Before Dinner’
4.       The Fireworks – ‘Switch Me On’
5.       Darren Hayman - ‘Florence’
6.       Dick Diver - ’Melbourne, Florida’
7.       Hayden – ‘Hey Love’
8.       Helen – ‘The Original Faces’
9.       Sleaford Mods – ‘Key Markets’
10.   Joanna Newsom – ‘Divers’
11.   Sleater-Kinney  – ‘No Cities To Love’
12.   Colleen – ‘Captain of None’

Bubblin’under: Lonelady Twerps The Chills

Special Mention: Aldous Harding – ‘Aldous Harding’ (2014 but slow to penetrate…)

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