My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Save Blip!

A quiet New Year's Day at home, vegging about on the sofa.

Mr Messi-cat had a brief play, chasing a twig, in the garden to save my "what shall I blip?" angst today.

Blipfoto as we know and love it is in trouble... I've been blipping (mostly on but sometimes off) since December 2010 and actually cannot imagine not having it around anymore, it's part of my day - like having a cup of tea or brushing my hair: just something I do.

But Blip is more than just habit. I care about the lovely fellow Blippers whose journals I read and who comment regularly on my journal. I have never had a Blipmeet but do consider them to be my friends. Blip's "be excellent to each other" motto keeps the site supportive, friendly and caring. There is nothing, really nothing else like Blipfoto out there, I'm sure every Blipper will agree wholeheartedly.

So, I have pledged what I can afford to help the community to buy Blip from its current owners who will close the whole thing down very soon... and I urge you to do the same, even if you don't have a journal of your own but check in with my journal or others' journals. Here is the link to the Blipfuture website to pledge or donate. Every teeny little bit helps.

I dearly hope that Blipfoto is still around this time next year.

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