
By LifeLines

Blip Forever

I started blipping just over three years ago.  I'd wanted to start a blog and came across the blipfoto website.  It immediately struck an chord with me as I had also wanted to reinvigorate my interest in photography.  My first blip was on St. Andrew's Day 2012; it featured frozen fingers of water running over a branch I had seen in a local burn.  The many friendly and encouraging voices I recieved in response to it completely took me by surprise. Since then I have shared the daily ups and downs of my life, and your lives, the trivial and life changing events.  I've felt many things with you - happiness, inspiration, empathy, sadness and insight.  I would certainly lose something special from my life if blipfoto were to disappear. Amazing things can happen, please make a pledge to help us to save our community

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