habit forming

And so my fourth year of a daily photo journal begins today, coinciding with the community's outreach to all and everyone to support the future of this wonderland, 'blipfoto'.    

I know it is preaching to the choir, trying to supply an answer to "why is blip special?" as requested here but I have given it some thought and whilst folk may shift in ranking their reasons, it seems that we are all finding similar somethings that no other virtual community provides.  I have tried to distill the essential "blip" into just a handful of these 'somethings' (else I'd be here until tomorrow) that for me, best identify why, after 1095 entries, I am still here ..... 

- a platform for self expression
- a regular excuse and opportunity to engage in the creative process
- a community that is always wrapped in kindness
- a very real, if virtual, interactive outlet for intellectual curiosity 
- a whole new world of friends who share my joy and give me solace
- a unique insight in to this shared world of ours
- a safe and supportive arena for artistic risk and personal growth
- and last but not least, a personal journal that enables me to review and reflect and remember

So those who are inspired or merely curious to learn more are invited to look, learn and then probably love blipfoto too.  More info here 

btw: the fireworks over the London skyscape are snapped from the TV @ 00.10 as bro and friend and I raised a glass together, for a year of joy and kindness in 2016.  Happy New Year everyone, I wish you joy and peace.

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