
By Neale55


...what it means to me.
These are my thoughts and they are in response to the Blipfuture challenge for today. I decided to join Blipfoto as a means to get me back into the art of taking photographs again and thought the challenge of posting a photo every day would somehow help. I had listened to many other photographers extolling the virtues of the site on various workshops, and in truth there was a mixed reaction to it. I decided to see if it worked for me.
At first it was a struggle. What am I going to take a photo off? I had got out of the art of seeing what was there, but I started to see things that had been around me all the time, even just popping around the back to the local shop. I would take my shot and then, after a while, was slightly amazed at the sense of satisfaction I was getting when I realised that I had my shot for that day. I started to change my route to work in the mornings, looking for something different, and found I was enjoying it.
I have to admit, I can see myself getting hooked with it. I have a number of cameras, lenses and accessories, expensive software and computers, and for the first time in a very long while I was using it on a daily basis. I was getting a return on my investment but more importantly, I was getting off my arse, doing something and enjoying it. I guess this all means that I am in favour of Blip. I would like to see it continue and not become the dim and distant memory as suggested by my blip for today, albeit a bit tongue in cheek. Lets be realistic, time is running out and still not half way to the total amount required to save it. Please bear in mind I only joined just over a month ago so it is still new to me, but to me it is a bit of fun, nothing more, nothing less.
I think the Blipfuture team have pitched their campaign about right. They are using the Blip blog to pass the message and it is up to the individual to choose whether to read it and comment or not. Many have posted their thoughts on their journals. Some have been actively trying to cajole action from others by leaving comments on others blips, and whilst this may show they care, it is a form of bullying and should cease.
Will I donate? Yes, what I can afford (which is not a lot).
Will I pay membership? Yes, gladly. The sums quoted are reasonable and fair.
Will my life carry on without it? Yes, of course it will and I will probably thank Blip for getting me back into everyday photography. I am already thinking of privately documenting my daily efforts such as they are.
Will I continue to enjoy Blip should it continue? Yes I will, I have no doubt about that. I have had a lot of fun with mine and enjoy visiting journals and seeing some of the wonderful photographs that are taken. And yes, I enjoy the occasional banter as well...
Just my thoughts folks. Enjoy 2016, whatever it may bring

link to crowd funding site

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