Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Blipfoto…if you think I look sad now…

If you think I look sad now… you wouldn't believe how sad I'll look if Blipfoto disappears… 

I'll look VERY, VERY, VERY sad! 

Like something properly and inconsolably sad… 

So please pledge if you can Blipfuture… if you haven't already…

The reason Maud looks very sad is because she has been eating unmentionables (mostly cat poo, although she did have a good go at some silage yesterday…) and she has a sore tummy but she would be sad if she had some inkling about what might befall this lovely site.  

I have been horribly, horribly neglectful of Blipfoto - but it was totally vital to me when I was supposed to be completely my PhD, and I have made some cracking friends here, a number of whom I am still in touch with.  On the scale of world disasters it won't be the worst thing that happens this year if it does fold - but it would be VERY, VERY sad.  Without doubt this is a special place, a beacon of loveliness in a sometimes bleak world.  I've pledged and wish I had the odd 100k tucked away to make the whole difference. 

From tomorrow, I will have lived in Cornwall a year.  Unbelievable.  I have had a great year, and now that I am settled would love to share it again.  What a pity this site of wonderful possibilities might just be taken away…

I am listening to this today  - which seems entirely apposite: Big Yellow Taxi  'you don't know what you've got til it's gone'

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