Gifts of Grace

By grace

Happy New Year

This is a place where people celebrate what they love.  It might be beauty or ideas or practices or people or lines or buildings or dogs or cats or birds or bees or cows or streets or trees or flowers or skies or sunsets or travels or information or stories, outer and inner lives.   

But love’s the thing for me, not the photography or even the writing, they’re just the media.  It’s the love and learning that keep me here.  This is a place where I daily learn about love and by osmosis about the wide worlds we inhabit.

It is a privilege and an honour to be shown glimpses of your love, your truth, your beauty and your pain.  Your lives.  Your struggles.  And to share my own with you.

And the love and the joy are all in the noticing.  And sharing.  That’s what we do.  That’s who we are.  That’s why this place exists. 

Will this distillation of love and connection continue to exist?  I do hope so.  

If you’re reading this you likely know by now what you need to do.  
If not hop over here and see what you think.

I’ve been sucked right into the #PledgeBlipfoto thread today.  Inspired by it all I’ve not gotten back to reply to comments etc - not enough hours in this New Year’s Day.  So for now a generic but heartfelt thank you all wishing you all every good thing in 2016.

AFTER afterthought: I'm terribly impressed that the servers (or whatever this place runs on)  have held up today - a wise decision by Blipcentral way back when it was crashing every minute.

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