A Year with Blip.

By LittleWolf

Happy New Year.

Celebrated the New Year with some of my Five Guys Family. We came into the year drunk and happy. I had a fantastic night, if I'm honest. I remember having the worst start to a new year a few years back, and I felt so alone even though I was with a bunch of people. But the Five Guys fam are really lovely. I hope I stay with them for a very long time.

We me and Sarah went back to hers and we had a lovely long lie in bed, lazed around and just generally had a chill day.

Currently Sarah's playing on her Xbox and I'm about to play on the Sims 2. She's at work tomorrow, and I might be as well! Working Sunday, however!

I can't wait to start properly getting into this whole, 'New Year, New Me' thing.. Last year me and Sarah managed to get into a regime of eating healthy, then it kinda fell apart, but this year that's not going to happen again!

I'm feeling hopeful, this year.

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