The Minx

Well, whatever Blipfoto's dodgy maths says, this is my 1,095th post: that is a post a day for the last three years (plus there was the preceding (nearly) year on Tumblr). Of course, the posts are of variable quality, both with respect to the photos and the text, but it's a discipline that I enjoy. A large part of that is having a diary of the notable parts of the days of my life but the aspect of the entire process that I enjoy the most is that it ensures that I endeavour to do something noteworthy each day. 

I first met the Minx in person towards the end of that first year on Tumblr - we'd been friends for a while on Twitter - and she has been my partner for the whole of the time that I've been posting on Blipfoto. Amongst many other things that I love about her, I adore her 'can do' and 'just say yes' approach to life: when the transmission kit was down at Indigo radio it was her idea to simply tweet that week's episode of Electronic Ears using YouTube links, and when we realised the Christmas decorations had been packed away this year, she had a small army of decoration makers hard - and happily - at work before I even arrived home with the tree. 

You know, one way or another, we are all along for the ride in the lives of our friends and relatives, and on my ride I'm really glad to be sat next to the Minx. 

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