What it means to me

I've been thinking for a while what to write - as ever left thinking about the picture a bit late.

I joined blip in January 2012 encouraged by a friend who had joined a few months before, I wanted to improve my photography but knew that a blip a day was probably beyond me. 

I know that I see more when I am looking for blips. I am not sure my photos have improved how I'd hoped, far too many have been snap shots on my phone.

When I joined I was still reeling from a miscarriage, having been trying to conceive for over a year, now my blip is the closest thing the boys will have to a baby book.

I know the bits of life that I've left out, but I value the hints and clues I've left along the way. I never was very good at keeping a journal or diary and my blip is the closest that I have got to something like that, I think it has been good for me.

But blip is so much more than that - it is the knowledge and wisdom of Cerdiwen and Kendall, its the street photogrpahy of Identity and DHThomas, its the wit of GailyWhaley, its Boo and his bridges, its Shaaamie... its others who have sadly left, its a daily dose of LadyMarchmont's gorgeous Archie. Its EarthDreamer. There are many others I have missed out. As others have found as life changes I've had to curtail my browsing habits, so don't explore as much as I once did. 

I'll be pledging and ask others to head to BlipFuture too.

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