
By beveridge

Blip Future 01.01.2016

How could I not post on such a day, a pretty rubbish photo but I decided that I needed to log what I found :)  Yep I found these two bottles in a long since abandoned wine rack in the cupboard under the stairs.   Now that the cupboard is super neat and tidy the bottles have been put back where I found them. 

I am going to make a big effort and post every day,  but I am holding off posting my back-blips until I know Blip has been saved because I have got a lot of photos to post and it would be really annoying to post them all, only to have them deleted.  My first blip was in September 2009 and from 01.01.2010 I have taken at least one photo everyday (not all are posted of course especially in the last 9 months),  but I can't imagine not taking my camera out daily and not pressing the shutter at least once.

As soon as I've posted I will try and make my pledge, I have tried more than once but I kept failing the quiz which was more than annoying.

Happy New Year to each and everyone in Blipland here's hoping 2016 saves the community we have all grown to love and enjoy.

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