Think & Shoot & Think

By micmoment


Everyday, at least once, we'll hear people complaining about being bored. Well, I like to have goals and aims in life. This way, I won't have to wake up each day cracking my brain over how to spend my time. Just like today, we are crystal clear about the agenda we have to achieve, so no time was wasted, and I like that. Overall, the day passed really fast too, hence there won't even be time for you to complain about boredom.

There is this culture in Hong Kong: Hitting your jinx/villain with a shoe. You can go up to one of the old people on the streets doing this, and request to hit someone you don't like hahahaha. And I saw it for the first time today. It's was friggin' cool. The old people was mumbling curses and bad things while hitting the 'bad person' who is represented by a piece of paper.


No amount of excuses can justify that.

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