
By BikerJim

~Palm Fronds and Frond Shadows~

~The Last Black and White~

As the subtitle suggests, this is my last black and white image, I think. At least as far as my current run of 365 consecutive images is concerned. Unless an image presents itself that should be rendered in monochrome. But I doubt it will happen, I've only posted an few since joining the Blip. Which is surprising, because I really love the black and white image. But whoever follows my journal knows I have acquired a color addiction. I was intending to subject you tonight to a broad spectrum of greens, like jade, chartreuse, emerald, kelly, olive, viridian, celadon, and harlequin. But when I opened Photoshop I was presented with an alert message.

'Error, no color is left in application, due to yesterdays over use'

Gosh darn it! My only other alternative was to work in black and white. So, my deepest apologies to my color friends out in the world of Blip. But I do hope you enjoy the many and varying tones of black and white. The shapes, angles and contrasts that it affords its viewers.
Just sometimes, color doesn't allow the seer to see past the color.

Thanks for visiting my absence of color,
but my availability of everything else.

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Epilogue #14

Today I was musing on how I go about making a photograph. Not the mechanical, the scientific, or the physical processes that are involved in image making. I was thinking in terms of the more emotional side of photographing a subject. Be it plant, sunset, bird, person, flower, landscape, graffiti on a wall or whatever. My most appreciated images, at least by me, are the ones whose subject I fell in love with. Not love in the carnal sense. But the love of beauty. There are other words I could use, like attractiveness, grace, splendor, allure, prettiness, grandeur, drama, impressiveness, magnificence, strength, merit, virtue, elegance and the list goes on. But you get the picture, no pun intended. Once I'm drawn to something that I think needs to be saved so it can be looked at again, I try and figure out what it is that I'm attracted to in this thing (see the long list above). Then it's my job to bring out that quality that I have found so inviting. Hopefully I have the time to just sit and look my objective and study it. Then I might take the time to walk around it, if I can. Get down on my hands and knees, or up on my tiptoes, even a ladder if I have one. I will do what I have to do to bring out the qualities that I desire. Remember, this is all about feelings, thoughts, and emotions. Things that cannot be touch or look at or inspected. I'm talking about things that make us human,
a creature with a soul.
Now things like cameras, lenses, and settings, those material things come in the next step of documenting your intended.
Once you've gotten past the first part, the hard part, that camera thing is a piece of cake!

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