Looking promising!!

A view of our front garden which was originally looking very bare, but has been planted up with ground cover cuttings rescued from our old garden. The cyclamen are the only bought plants introduced, as I needed some instant colour!
I looked back at 2014 New Years Day blip this morning and it talks about challenges and me adopting my “woman on a mission mode” for 2015. Never did I guess that so many changes would be made in the 12month period, house move etc….etc!! My blips are there to record it all.
The year has flown, to the extent that in yesterdays blip I said that I had been on the site for almost 4 years!!!! Wrong…….almost 5years!!! I’ve changed the text since as it makes my maths ability look sadly lacking.
We collected the girls from the kennels this morning, they were so pleased to see us. Behaviour report from Phillip was excellent. The same couldn’t be said for another resident who barked all night and kept Phillip awake. Not sure if the girls slept through the noise.


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