An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Happy New Year...

Once upon a time, many moons ago when social media didn't feature hugely in my life, I saw a cartoon of a little character hugging their computer screen with the words "I love my computer.  All my friends live there" and I laughed at the absurdity of it.

Then on 3rd April 2011, after a year of thinking about it, I finally posted my first Blip and, as I continued to post a daily blip, I very quickly began to fully understand what that little cartoon was all about  :-))

Almost 5 years of solid blipping down the line, Blip has become my cyber home.  A place I come to where I am always guaranteed a warm welcome, where I am greeted with humour, empathy and affection from friends in all corners of this amazing world of ours.  Some Blippers I have been lucky enough to meet, some I hope to meet and some I know I will never meet but that makes no odds to the depth of our friendship for we have all shared many aspects of our lives together and supported one another in ways it is sometimes difficult to do with friends in our everyday lives.   Blip reminds me every day just how powerful the written word is.

And then there's the photographs.   I have been transported to all corners of the earth and seen some amazing sights.  All from the comfort of my sofa!  And such photographs have inspired me on a daily basis to pick up  my camera and strive to learn how to use it and get the best blip I can.

Now, with almost 5 years of daily blips behind me, I have a photographic and written journal of my life, in all its ordinary glory, with the most wonderful comments to accompany them, as well as Blip Pals all over the world whose journals are a joy to visit.

As an eternal optimist, I can't quite let myself imagine Blip no longer existing but I can't ignore the reality of the situation.  

 If you have ever experienced a moment of pleasure from Blipping, I urge you to help save Blip by pledging and encouraging others to spread the word and also pledge at and hopefully (keeping everything crossed) in the not too distant future we will be toasting a Happy New Blip.

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