Strike that. Reverse it!


Fabulous Family fun!

As the holidays are drawing to a close we decided to finish on a high and have a day full of fun! Boys wanted to see Star Wars so we went to watch it again this morning and then had a game of crazy golf in the afternoon. It's been a great day. Starting to take the Christmas decs down now :( wish we could rewind!

So I decided that as part of my journal I'm going to try to do a positive thing a day! Didn't yesterday as the whole post was positive really. So today is

#2 after a fantastic game of crazy golf Mikey only went and hit the bullseye on hole 19 winning a game of golf! How great and so very proud of Mikey. He was a great sportsman all the way round and got the reward he deserved! Took us all by surprise and was a fab end to the game!

Hope you've had a good Saturday so far. Xxx

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