It's Witch Hazel Time Again

Taking advantage of our last free whole day before the builders are back at work, keeping at least one of us confined to barracks, we went to the Botanics to see whether the witch hazels were showing their faces this early in the year. We try to see them every year but often well into February.

These are (from top left) H. Pallida, the Chinese witch hazel, and (top right) H.x intermedia var: Jelena, a bit drier than the last time I blipped it. This variety I have in the garden but mine although just coming into flower, is by comparison a very poor specimen. 

Another early bird is the rhododendron, (whose name I omitted to find) and a nice collection of bracket fungus on a mature tree near the Hope Gateway. (I decided to make  the quartet to preserve as many of the 100 'extras' now available as I was somewhat profligate with the last allowance).

Many thanks for the comments and favourites on my yesterday's 'Blip' blip; I intend to pledge but so far have failed the 'understanding' test - as if I cared how my modest contribution fares in the grand scale of saving Blip - and have yet to proceed further. But I will.

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