twinned with trumpton


And into 2016! Happy New Year, y'all!

I got a call around from her around 3; her lad had a few folk round (like about 25...!) and some neighbours objected;  sounded a bit of a lynch mob type thing...not nice.
A slow start but we eventually go out to Scot:lands; tried to meet Spanish brother but the set up was a little more random, so we landed up with the Story Telling Centre as our first port of call. Uninspired, we pleaded children and got a selection of tickets and went to St Giles (I quite enjoyed sparse piano works but no one else did); the Roxy (caught some Emma Pollock as well as Shandonner and Bignonioides) and the museum (Kids engaged with this one)

Eventually having not met the Spanish brother, we all headed back to mine for respite for the ladies from the incessant parties of her lad; I cooked a gammon joint, cauliflower cheese and a dessert of a choc / lime sponge with added tangerine segments.

Mostly a low key evening; everyone knackered after the previous evening. But Les Mis! Never seen it before; immense...

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